
Monday, September 12, 2011

New Feature! The Good Doctor's Mailbag

Doc here with a new feature here at The Journal of Adult Theaters: The Good Doctor's Mailbag. No, this isn't an analogy to my scrotum. It's a forum to publish comments or ask question to your old resort waiter looking buddy, The Good Doctor.

This letter from senior Journal scribe Enzyte Bob was posted on the Uncensored Adult Postings Yahoo Group and it's pretty fantastic:

Good Afternoon My Good Doctor,

I read with a sly smile your post regarding being "outed." Initially, I was concerned that the best editor on this thing of ours would be required to find a safe house in which to hide, enter the this thing of ours witness protection program or, God fobid, shave the mustache, until the provebial heat was turned down. I now realize that your "outing" has been a giant leap forward toward this thing of ours becoming more mainstream. Three cheers for Dr. Emilio Lizardo...LOL

Oh, and I think you compare favorably to Jack Lord in Hawaii 5-0. There was an old Saturday Night Live skit that asked the question, Quien es mas macho: Jack Lord or Ricardo Montalbon? I say, Dr. Emilio es muy mas macho!!

Have a great day and hey....Let's be careful out there!!

Enzyte Bob
Still Smilin'

Doc here again... Thank you for your concern, Enzyte Bob.  I am safe and sound, identity intact, but now being proud for who I am... A background artist/respected MD/blogger.  It has taken years to perfect the "resort waiter" look, and with the commercial's popularity I now have a slight paparazzi problem.  When I went out to investigate, one of the photographers ordered a rum and coke.

Mission accomplished.