
Wednesday, June 27, 2012

A Call For Reports!

Doc here, shining the Batsignal back up against the skies of The Valley near the small women's liberal arts college (Go Spinners!).

Yes, once again, The Good Doctor's in-box has been emptied of all reports. The well is dry my friends, and I'm looking for you to fill that well back up with Flash Reports, Field Reports, or Blast From The Past Reports.

There have been some great reports the past two weeks, and thank you to all that have submitted your work!  If you ever thought about submitting a report, but have not as of yet, this is a great time to do so. Just provide The Good Doctor with a pen name to use for your reports, and type up your observations. I will edit, format, drop in a pic or two, and best of all, you get the byline.

Senior reporters... It's time to answer the bell.  You know the routine.

Please send your reports to me directly at I'll take it from there...

Thanks again to you, the good readers of the #1 source for information on this thing of ours.
