
Thursday, June 28, 2012

Flash Report! Bob in Biloxi's (By Proxy) Weekly Report

                                                    Doc here with this week's Cruising The Coast with Bob in Biloxi.  Regular readers know that Bob recently suffered an injury to his hind quarters from cupid's arrow. This injury, while not life-threatening, is serious enough that he has not been to the Gulf Coast Adult Theater that often over the last several weeks.  However, he is getting reports by proxy from his panal of scouts who were there, and he has sent those along to The Good Doctor.

The following report is one of those...

Take it away, Bob...


The hits just keep on coming... This report is my proxy since I’m occupied on Saturday nights now.

One scout called at midnight and left a message that 6 couples showed at the theater last night. Two couples were reported attending the ABS as well down the street. According to his report, at least two couples played in the theater, one in fact played for over four hours!! But what seemed to amaze this scout was the amount of attractive couples showing at both places.

The one that stayed over four hours according the scout did everyone in the theater that wanted doing, and some hit it 2 or 3 times! I will get more details if available and submit another report.

But as it stands here, the couples traffic at both places seems to be on the rise! And that’s always a good thing!


Doc here again... Thanks Bob for the update.  It seems even in Bob's absence, the couples continue to visit and enjoy the beautiful Gulf Coast's natural wonders - The Gulf Coast Adult Theater and the ABS down the street.
