
Friday, July 26, 2013

Flash Report! J. James on Xposed Adult Theater in Dallas

Doc here with a Flash Report from first time contributor, J. James.  He visited Xposed Adult Theater, and came away with more questions than answers.  That typically is not good news.

Here we go!


Hello, Doc.

J. James here with a report on my recent trip to Xposed Adult Theater in Dallas.

I was there from about noon until three P.M. on a Saturday. Granted that isn't the best time to go most places, but it was the time I had available, so I went. I've been a dozen or so times to the Lido, and I wanted to see this place to compare. As you may know, Xposed has two theaters in house and an arcade, along with the usual preview booths, toys, and DVDs. I didn't try the "other" theater as, shall we say, "those aren't the droids I was looking for." The arcade was crowded with men hanging around, but I didn't see anything that made me want to join them, and I was out of there quickly.

Xposed - Theater Interior
The straight theater (or whatever they call it) cost $12; I paid the man, and he buzzed me in. I found a nice sized screen and a number of clean, comfortable couches. The movie itself was OK -- not all that great but certainly not all that bad. The theater is undergoing some sort of construction or demolition or both; I couldn't really tell which. What was missing was -- other people.

For about half the time I was there, only one other fellow was there, and he positioned himself on the far side of the room on the one couch where I couldn't see what he was or wasn't doing. Well, that is AOK by me. My motto at the adult theater continues to be "live and let live." Other than him, I saw no other patrons. I spoke with him briefly on his way out, and he did say that "sometimes" there are women there. I was patient for as much time as I had, but there was no reward this time.

Shortly before I left I did see one thing that concerned me: a store employee came in and asked us to leave for 15 minutes while he did some maintenance work. I wandered back to the retail area and returned to the theater after 15 minutes. Some new lighting had been turned on, but what really concerned me was that a uniformed law enforcement officer was walking out of the secure area with the store employee. He didn't act pissed, and he didn't have anyone with him. As far as I know, he left when he got to the front of the store, but, still, I was uneasy.

I had high hopes, but now I'm wondering.

J. James


Doc here again... Thanks to J. James on his first time report...Nicely done sir!  Keep the reports coming in!

Very curious activity at Xposed... I wonder what it means, short and long term?
