
Thursday, July 31, 2014

Couple's Flash Report! Inside The Mysterious Maya: Part 2- Sailing to Europe (w/14 PICS!)

Doc here, a man who some say has the ability to control the actions of fish through his finely coiffed hair, with a terrific Couple's Flash Report.

 My good friend The Mysterious Maya is contributing a series of very hot reports (and pics) of her extremely naughty ways. This innocent looking brunette is a very bad girl, and these stories let you peak inside her panties life of perversion.

She would also love to hear from you, the Good Readers of The Journal. Just mention you saw her report on The Journal (her e-mail address is at the end of her report).

Here we go...Enjoy the writing of one of my favorite girls... Maya!



Aboard a ship for two week sailing so what does a girl do? What she has to, and glad that men are available, Lol. Passengers are quite old, so it's the crew that is available. One can take advantage of fact they are cooped up for 6 to 8 months at sea and chances of getting laid are scarce.

Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Enter Now! The #LIZARDO5TH Photo Contest @ The Journal

Doc here, a man who some say once hosted the short-lived game show "What's in my Drawers", with the contest details to help celebrate The Journal's 5th Year Anniversary.

Our NCAA Brackets Tourney was a big success, and it's time for a new contest here at The Journal. To help celebrate the 5th year of The Journal, it's time for our first photo contest.

Here is the skinny on entering:


Doc here... Here are the instructions on entering the #LIZARDO5TH contest.
  1. Click on the #LIZARDO5TH image above. This will pop up a full size version of the photo.
  2. Print the photo in color (preferred but not mandatory).
  3. THIS IS THE IMPORTANT STEP: Using a decent camera, take a photo of your wife, girlfriend, a couple's selfie, your selfie, or have someone take the photo for you, or even a total stanger holding the above photo (does not have to be taken at an adult theater). PLEASE NOTE: Most adult theaters do not allow photos taken inside of them. In this case take your photo outside of the theater showing the sign of the theater (preferably). Be creative, since your peers will be voting on who will be the winners.
  4. Do not break the law in the taking of your photos. Why? I am not bailing you out of the pokey.
  5. Once you have taken your photo, please e-mail it directly to The Good Doctor at Put #Lizardo5th as the subject line. Please give me a pen name if you do not have one already. This is MANDATORY.
  6. If you'd like me to Photoshop out faces, eyes, tattoos, etc., I will be happy to do so. Just mention it in your e-mail.
  7. I will publish each submission as they come in under the #LIZARDO5TH Contest banner on The Journal and on my Twitter @Lizardojournal, after being edited and Photoshopped.
  8. Contest Dates: I will take submissions through Friday August 22nd (the 5th anniversary date of The Journal). I will narrow the photos down to the top 3 (I will have one mystery consultant work with me on the narrowing down of images), and set up a poll to vote for the top #LIZARDO5TH image.
  9. Prizes: 1st Place: A brand new mystery prize, that I will divulge at the deadline for submissions, a "The Journal Premium Coffee Mug, and a personalized autographed photo from Doc. 2nd Place: The premium "The Journal" mug, and the personalized autographed photo. 3rd Place: The personalized autographed photo.
  10. Example: This image from my good friends T&A is a good example of how one might go about taking their #LIZARDO5TH photo:

Deadline for Submissions: August 22nd, 2014 at 11:59pm CT.

Questions? E-mail me direct at .

Have fun with this! The Good Doctor has the best followers in this thing of ours... Let's show the rest of the net how good you really are!

The contest details have their own page at the top of the home page for easy reference, under #LIZARDO5TH Contest.


Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Box Score! The Fetlife 2.0 Party at The Westwood Private Members Only Club on 7/26/14

Doc here, a man who some say once sat at Tony Placko's for 24 hours straight (and wasn't disturbed once), with the Box Score for the Fetlife 2.0 Party at The Westwood Private Members Only Club in Toledo.

My good friends at The Westwood Theater Private Memebers Only Club have one of the top facilities in the country, and their monthly events are picking up steam as a destination in the Midwest.

Here is the Box Score for this past Saturday's Fetlife 2.0 Party:


As soon as the next big couples/singles event is scheduled, I will post the flier here at The Journal of Adult Theaters.

Congrats to The WW for a great event!


Female Flash Report! The Insatiable Sati at Fantasyland 2 in Tampa (w/Pics, Bonus Pics, and a Video!)

Doc here, a man who some say never stops doing the Harlem Shake, with a very hot Female Flash Report from one of the coolest girls I know, Sati.

Sati has contributed reports in the past, but we decided to crank things up a bit and make this more of a regular feature.

All in favor, say "aye". Thought so...

In this terrific report, which comes along with pics from the night, a few bonus pics (please click the thumbnails to ENLARGE) of Sati getting extra slutty, and a video(!), you will get a flavor of what exactly this hot naughty blonde is up to in her new hometown around Tampa.

Also, make sure you check out her web site, for more of what make Sati tick, and also what makes her wet.

Here we go!

Monday, July 28, 2014

Couple's Flash Report! Gemini Reflects on Doc's Visit to Portland on Friday 7/18/14 (w/NEW PIC!)

Doc here, a man who some might say has a new favorite astrological sign, with a special Couple's Flash Report from my good friend, the incredible Gemini.
It seems like it was months ago, but it was only last weekend that The Good Doctor was visiting Portland, Oregon to visit some new friends, visit some old ones, and get re-acquainted with the coolness that is Portlandia.
Last Friday night was one of those "planets have aligned" evenings, when every note was pitch perfect.
I will have my own House Call Report on the entire weekend, but Gemini has submitted a report that is so good, so right, and with every detail perfect, it's hard to imagine what more I could bring to the table in my report.
Please welcome back to The Journal, the incredible Gemini...

Box Score: Boogie Nights Event at 15th Ave Adult Theater in Chicago on 7/26/14

Doc here, a man who some say really needs a haircut, with the Box Score from Saturday evening's Boogie Nights Party at 15th Ave Adult Theater in Chicago.

It was a fantastic evening on Chicago's west side, with many new couples visiting and playing at this event. There was one scene in particular inside 15th Ave's theater that was about as crazy as anything I have seen there since it opened ten years ago.  It was wild and wet, and I will have details in my House Call Report coming soon.

Here is your Box Score for the event:

Sunday, July 27, 2014

Fave Reports / Five Years - Volume 1: Brent in Portland

Doc here, a man who some say is 12.8 in meatball years, with the first of the "Fave Reports/Five Years" submissions from you, the good readers of The Journal.

And of course, who better to lead things off than my good friend and close colleague, Brent in Portland.

The Journal was born from a conversation Brent and I had on a Thursday night at The Paris Theatre in Portland in the summer of 2009. We were both of the opinion that this thing of ours was bigger than what was being talked about in a couple of Yahoo Groups that had a slightly less local scope. But the conversations were few and far between in those Groups, and we both agreed the scene needed a national voice.

And that was the start of The Journal... Thank you sir.

Here is Brent's forward, followed by the first of two of his favorite reports.  Enjoy.

Saturday, July 26, 2014

LAST UPDATE SATURDAY 7/26: TONIGHT!!! Boogie Nights Party @ 15th Ave. Adult Theater in Chicago @ 8PM!

LAST UPDATE 7/26 @ 10AM: Doc here, and I'm excited. The big day is finally here, and it's time to boogie down at 15th Ave Adult Theater in Chicago's western burbs. In the last 24 hours I have been getting bombed in e-mails both through The Journal and through SLS about tonight's soirĂ©e'.  Not only are we expecting most of the usual suspects in terms of hot couples, but also many new couples looking to kick the tires on this thing of ours and maybe even take it for a test drive.

There will be some great outfits on display tonight:  "A" from The Big O Couple has promised a Disco Diva outfit on display, GiGi has her sights on a daring blue number, and Victoria the Vixen will be wearing a sexy white print number.

And my outfit?  I am thinking ruffles and a stethoscope...


Flash Report! Johnny Paradise Checks in from The Road

Doc here, a man who some say knows it's better to sleep in an uncomfortable bed free, than sleep in a comfortable bed unfree, with an amazing Flash Report from senior reporter Johnny Paradise.

This report speaks for itself. And it's all sorts of wonderful and thought provoking.

Take it away, Johnny Paradise.



Four days spiraling, criss-crossing, and rocketing across the map had taken me dizzily down and up and around the states of the midwest and it was the simplest sudden immediate urge that brought me back round, finally back home to the home that isn't home, to that medium sized metropolis for which I have a special affection and to, tonight, my heart's desire - a Hungarian hot dog.

Not too far from where I ate was the Theatre, that majestic movie house of so many glorious misspent hours, and as I ate I thought and wondered about it and with the quiet disappointment of Bay City still recent in my memory it seemed right to drop in and see if anything was happening, and even if it was nothingsville, a shot of nostalgia would be an adequate dessert to my wonderfully delicious wonderfully cheap dinner.

Thursday, July 24, 2014

A Quick Note from The Good Doctor: Save the Date: August 22nd, 2014

Doc here, a man who some say spent 8 months in clown college, before being caught with his clown pants around his ankles as he was doing "Lilly the Lady Clown" behind the service door of the cafeteria.

There is a big day coming, and it's less than a month away. Yes kids, August 22nd, 2014 marks the 5-year anniversary of The Journal of Adult Theaters

What started out as a little project on my laptop while sitting at my dining room table, is now the #1 adult theater resource on the interwebs.

This is how it started...

Let's celebrate by submitting a quick note back to me on your all-time favorite report.  Please shoot The Good Doctor an e-mail at, with the words "Fave Report" in the subject line.  Then tell me (and your fellow readers for that matter) what your favorite report was & the date it went online and I will re-post it with your note.

Fair enough?

@Lizardojournal on Twitter

Flash Report: Oral B Gets Flossed at Portland's Two Adult Theaters

Doc here, a man who some say can never get enough cowbell, with a first-time Flash Report from new contributor, Oral B.
Aside from making a kick-ass toothbrush, Oral B visited both of Portland, Oregon's adult theaters: The Paris and The Oregon. He has detailed his visit, and sent it along to your old friend in the white suit and aviators.
Oral B also has expressed his opinion on an on-going issue at adult theaters, and I will add my two cents worth in the epilogue.
Take it away, Oral B...

Flash Report! "Dr. Lizardo Returns to Portland on July 18 & 19th" by Brent in Portland w/PICS

Doc here, a man who some say once went by the name of Moonlight Lizardo, who had one major league at bat before turning to a life of medicine.
The first full report from this past weekend's visit to Portland by The Good Doctor has come across the teletype machine here at The Journal's home office, deep inside The Valley near the small women's liberal arts college. And it's no surprise it has come from the poet laureate of this thing of ours, Brent in Portland.
Brent was there every step of the way, from the pre-game dinner before our Paris Theatre field trip (with Hawaiian Eyeful, Gemini, & their respective hubbies), until the frenzy of late Saturday night.
There are a million stories in the naked city.  This is one of them.
Take it away, sir.

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Couple's Flash Report! Hotwife Koral Goes Dogging in Boise: Part 2 w/ 11 HOT PICS!

Doc here, a man who some say is part eggplant, part cantaloupe, and all meatball, with Part 2 of Koral Goes Dogging in Boise.

When we last left our heroes, they had sent out their Batsignal to the locals in Boise via Craigslist that they would be on a stroll on a bike path.  Their code phrase "nice weather tonight" was the local's golden ticket to Koral's earthly delights.

Here is the second gallery of incredible pics from this dogging adventure.



Koral Dogging in Boise Gallery - Part 2
(Click the thumbnails to ENLRARGE)

Couple's Flash Report! Hotwife Koral Goes Dogging in Boise: Part 1 w/8 HOT PICS!

Doc here, a man who some say was once a newlywed, who acquired an unexpected wedding present. Unknown to the blissfully happy Doctor, ruthless mobsters are on his tail, determined to reclaim their lost property.

This past weekend in Portland, The Good Doctor had arranged to meet some of Portland's "Legendary Ladies", an exclusive club of PDX's hottest adult theater women (and their respective better halves). Gemini, Hawaiian Eyeful, Bambi, Ms. Fullswing & Ashbaby to name the principle offenders.  I wasn't able to connect with one couple however prior to the trip: HotWife Koral and her hubby, S.  The Good Doctor was sad.

The Good Doctor's sadness didn't last long, as on Saturday night I received a phone call at The Oregon Theater from Brent, where I was wrapping up my visit there. The friendly voice at the other the of the line said:

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Flash Report! Johnny Paradise on a Sunday at Cinema Arts in Bay City, MI

Doc here, a man who some say knows that the best teacher is experience and not through someone's distorted point of view.

There are a few contributors that when their e-mails hit my in-box, I get truly excited to read them. And right on top of that list is Johnny Paradise. His reports take us on a journey, and through his words we transport ourselves to where he was once.

And it's a glorious ride.

Take it away, sir.



On a sleepy summer Sunday afternoon in Bay City, Michigan, time does anything but move quickly.

It ambles, it saunters, it strolls along quiet small town streets that seem, despite unmistakable touches of modern flair, to have been permanently etched in that undefined but palpably real place known as yesteryear.

Monday, July 21, 2014

A Quick Note from The Good Doctor: A Return from Portland and a Peak Ahead (w/PICS)

Doc here, a man who some say has an un-natural attraction to Voodoo Donuts, with a Quick Note from my desk, deep in the Valley near the small women's liberals arts college.

The image at the left was taken about two minutes before I passed out on my flight back from Portland to Chicago's Midway Aerodrome. That's Mt. St. Helens on the left, and Mt. Adams on the right. And lucky for The Good Doctor, they were not the only lovely peaks I saw this past weekend in what the locals call Rip City.

If you have never been to Portland, you are missing something big. It's a city like no other I have traveled to in my 24 years on the road. It's the perfect setting for many things: Best food trucks I have ever sampled. Best specialty shops. Best Goddamn donuts on God's green earth. And best of all... Two top shelf adult theaters.

Friday, July 18, 2014

On the Road with The Good Doctor: Off to Portland Edition!

Doc here, a man who some say is way overdue for a Voodoo Donut, with a weekend update on my return to Portland Oregon, USA this coming weekend.

It's going to be a busy weekend in the Rose City for your old friend in the aviators and white suit, but a fun one as well.

On Friday night, sometime between 8 and 9p, I will be bringing some special friends of mine along to the Paris Theatre for a field trip of sorts. And by field trip, I mean a strong potential of monkey business. If you are a couple, please join us. Guys, play nice, be clean, and who knows what may happen.

Saturday night, I will be visiting The Oregon Theater earlier in the evening, and back to the Paris for the later festivities. Times are not set in stone.

I am looking forward to meeting new friends and old ones too. Just seek out the short Sicilian who has just the faint smell of meatballs about him. It just may be me.

Lastly, if you want the latest from The Good Doctor on this trip, follow me on Twitter: @LizardoJournal or You will get updates and pics as the evening progresses.

Deal? Deal.


Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Visit Announcement for TONIGHT @ 8PM!!! The Return of M&A at CTs Adult Theater in Gary (w/2 PICS)

Doc here with a last minute Visit Announcement for TONIGHT, Tuesday July 15th at 8PM.

Yes, it is the long-awaited return of M&A to CTs Adult Theater in Gary, IN after almost a year and a half absence.

A is an insatiable Asian beauty with an appetite for cock unlike just about anyone I have ever met in the lifestyle.  In 2012 she and her partner in crime M set the Chicagoland adult theater scene on it's ear with a series of visits that were legendary. I should know, as I was in attendance at the first and possibly the craziest visit.

Field/Flash Report! Waverly Books & Video in Waverly, VA by Ray

Doc here, a man who some say spends 4 weekends a year as a Civil War re-enactor, assuming the role of Colonel Lingus from the Confederate Army, with a terrific Field/Flash Report from senior reporter Ray.

Ray visited essentially one of the last of the adult mini-theaters in Virginia, Waverly Books & Video (address in the Dr. Emilio's adult theater database), and has filed this report to the news desk.

Take it away, sir!


Flash Report! "It Started on the Stairs" - Friday July 11th @ The Paris Theatre in Portland, OR by Brent

Doc here, a man who some say was once the Grand Marshall of the Grand Floral Parade in Portland, only to be ousted from that position after he was caught giving mustache rides to ladies in an alley off of Burnside.
Mt good friend and colleague, Brent from Portland, posted this tremendous report from a very hot night of theater sex action at The Paris Theatre on Friday night. I would be remiss if I didn't share it with you, the good readers of The Journal.
Here we go...

Monday, July 14, 2014

Update: BNA Has Re-Opened for Business as of 5PM ET

Doc here... I decided not to publish anything on what happened Friday at the Berlin News Agency in NJ on Friday 7/11/14 until I got enough information from the source, not rumors bouncing around the interwebs.

BNA has posted a statement on their Fetlife Group, and I think it's important for you, the good readers of The Journal, to hear the statement direct from the source.

Here you go:

Hey everyone sorry for keeping so quiet on this. Yes a call went out that someone had drugs at BNA. However no drugs were found and we believe it all to be some kind of misunderstanding. However when the authorities came they brought with them the fire inspector who sited us for some issues with a storage area in the booth area and as a result we needed to close for a few days before we were allowed to reopen.

I was unable to answer any of the questions posed before now because honestly I didn't know what had happened either, but to make it very clear: NO BNA did not get "raided". I will delete any discussion (ed. note: on their Fetlife Group) suggesting that is the case because I don't want any rumors getting started.

On a lighter note BNA will resume operations on Monday. It was an unfortunate and awkward situation all around and on behalf of management and from myself I wish to extend my sincere apologies for any and all inconvenience and confusion.


Doc here again... BNA's party scheduled for this coming Saturday night (Summer Sizzler) has also been postponed. As soon as I have the rescheduled date I will get that out to you, the good readers of The Journal.

Ok... Show's over. Carry on...


Sunday, July 13, 2014

Smut for a Sunday Evening: World Full C Cup Edition (w/20 PICS)

Doc here, a man who some say has never made a corner kick, with this week's World Full C Cup Edition of Smut for a Sunday Evening.  My name is Doc, and I will be your referee for tonight match.

So kids, please pop open a Fresca, and enjoy this week's edition of Smut for a Sunday Evening, World Full C Cup Edition.

A Quick Note From The Good Doctor: Always Be Closing Edition

Doc here, a man who some say has been working very hard to win this month's sales contest and take home that Cadillac Eldorado. I will not settle for 2nd place and the steak knives.

It has been a crazy week for your old friend in the white suit and aviators. A huge work project is just wrapping up (today hopefully), and I will be able to put some muscle back into The Journal heading through tonight and into the coming week.

I have some great reports coming up, a Smut for a Sunday Evening Report later today, and details of my visit to Portland next weekend.

Working like a dog...or I am a dog. Take your pick.


Friday, July 11, 2014

Visit Announcement! Thecraigslistcouple @ The Art Cinema in Hartford TONIGHT (Friday) @9pm (w/4 EXCLUSIVE PICS)

Doc here, a man who some say is strong enough that he once lifted the back end of a pick-up truck off an emu as it attempted to jump on the back of the truck. The emu was very grateful, and continues to write The Good Doctor every Christmas from it's winter home in The Keys.

Tonight at Hartford's awesome Art Cinema, the very hot Thecraigslistcouple will be visiting and regulars at The Art know what a pistol this fiery redhead can be!

 They plan on arriving around 9pm this evening, Friday July 11th.

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Flash Report! Brent in Portland Reports on Pre-4th of July Festivities @ The Paris & Oregon Theaters

Doc here, a man who some say once drove one of those go-carts for the Shriners at the 1987 Rose Festival Parade, with the latest Flash Report from my good friend Brent in Portland.

Stationed in his captains chair on the bridge of the USS Paris Theater, Brent witnessed the holiday weekend get off to a promising start at this venerable adult theater.

Here we go...


Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Visit Announcement! JP's Slut Toy at 15th Ave Adult Theater in Chicago TONIGHT around 8PM (w/3 NEW PICS!)

Doc here with a last minute Visit Announcement for this evening at 15th Ave. Adult Theater in Chicago.

My good friends JP and JP's Slut Toy will be back at 15th Ave THIS EVENING (Tuesday 7/8) loosely around 8pm...Maybe slightly later.

JP's Slut Toy is looking for guys who enjoy getting in the line of fire from a squirter (namely JP's Slut Toy).   She is an incredible squirter folks... I have seen it with my own thick mustache.

So please join them... And remember, male/female couples, single females, and t-gurls are free all week to 15th Ave Adult Theater. I know for a fact JP and JP's Slut Toy would love to see some couples there.

And lastly, here is a little something to wet your appetite, courtesy of JP's Slut Toy (click to ENLARGE the thumbnails):

Sunday, July 6, 2014

Smut for a Sunday Evening: Manchurian BBQ Edition (w/20 PICS!)

Doc here, a man who some in the government say was a sleeper agent, a guiltless assassin subconsciously activated by seeing the “Queen of Diamonds” playing card while playing solitaire.

It's been a few weeks since a proper Smut for a Sunday Evening report was actually published on a Sunday evening. In the words of my good friend Chelsea (a petite little spinner with an enormous sexual appetite), "What the Hell?"

So, what can I do to make it up to you, the good readers of The Journal?  How about some extra naughty and nasty adult theater related pics from The Journal's extensive archive.  All in agreement say "Yay".

Thought so.

On the Road with The Good Doctor: A Return to Portland July 18-19th, 2014

Doc here, a man who some say misses the Jefferson Theater in Portland more than words can express, with the latest On The Road with The Good Doctor update.

After an absence of three years, The Good Doctor with be coming back to Portland, Oregon the weekend of July 18-19th, 2014.  In an event that will be crafted to re-enact MacArthur's return to the Philippines in 1944, The Good Doctor will be returning ten years after his first visit to Portlandia in 2004.

Sure things in Portland have changed... The Jefferson Theater is now but a memory, but The Paris Theatre carries on in nicely it's place. The Oregon Theater is on the come, spearheaded by the efforts of Jessica in getting the word out about this grand old theater.

My visit will be a quick one, and my itinerary is pretty full (you know who you are Ms. Hawaiian Eyeful, Ms. Gemini, and Bambi & Thumper). I plan on squeezing in visits to both theaters, and might even have a couple or two alongside me. I am sure my good friend Brent from Portlandia will be there to guide me through this stormy port, as well as some old friends I have met on previous visits.

I am looking forward to meeting new friends as well on this trip.  The best way to keep track of this visit is to follow me on Twitter, as I will be updating with both Tweets and Twitpics.  My Twitter is @LizardoJournal . You'll also get exclusive content on my Twitter feed, so what are you waiting for? 

Want to e-mail the Good Doctor instead? E-mail me at with the words PDX TRIP in the subject line.

I look forward to hearing from you!


Friend of The Journal: 15th Ave Adult Theater in Chicago's Week Long Special

Doc here, a man who some say was once a volunteer fireman, but after three consecutive calls where he left the firehouse without his pants & was dismissed, with a Friend of The Journal Report.

One of the best regular promotions in the adult theater landscape in the one run by my good friends at 15th Ave Adult Theater in Chicago.

One week a month they run their "Week Long Special", which is aimed at introducing couples, single females, and t-gurls to that 15th Ave has to offer FOR FREE. Yes space cadets, you read that right. FREE.  These three groups of customers will have access to the theater, arcade, spa, steam room, and stadium seating area at NO CHARGE. 

Friday, July 4, 2014

Visit Announcement! The Sexual Athletes @ The Art Cinema in Hartford Friday 7/5 @ 7PM (w/PICS)

Doc here, a man who some say was the original model for the Wooly Willy magnetic toy, with a very cool Visit Announcement for Hartford's awesome Art Cinema.

 My good friends, The Sexual Athletes, will be making a visit to The Art Saturday evening at 7pm. Regular readers of The Journal know that Mrs. Sexual Athlete is a dynamo when it comes to The Art and playing well with others.  She really is something NOT to be missed.

Here is a gallery of pics to wet your appetite (click to ENLARGE the thumbnails):

Happy 4th of July from Doc and the Sexy "A" from The Big O Couple (w/5 PICS!)

Doc here, a man who some say has a nightly fireworks display (in his pants), with a special Independence Day salute from the very sexy "A" from The Big O Couple.

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Freeze Frame! A Nice Visit with Scott & Jean (w/17 HOT PICS)

Doc here, a man who some say once spent 4 hours in a photo booth at Woolworth, just trying to get the right angle for a personal ad in the local Valley Beacon free weekly newspaper, with a hot Freeze Frame Report.

Over the last year and a half, one of the busiest hot theater couples I know has been Scott & Jean. These graduates of Xavier's School for the Gifted have torn up the theater scenes both north and south of the Mason Dixon line. From their new home base in the Tampa area, they continue to push the envelope in this thing of ours, as well as push Jean's sexual appetite to new heights. (editor's note: If you'd like a chance to meet Scott & Jean, e-mail them at . Tell them Doc sent you.

Please enjoy this Freeze Frame Report featuring the smoking hot Scott & Jean!

The Good Doctor's Pic of the Day! The Westwood Private Members Only Club Theater in Toledo

Doc here, a man who some say once ate 13 Italian beef sandwiches (wet) in 20 minutes on a dare, with today's Good Doctor's Pic of the Day.

Long time readers of The Journal know of my love for old, classic theaters.  When these classic theaters show adult fare, even better in my book.

On June 22nd, the morning after the Summer Solstice Party at Toledo's awesome Westwood Private Members Only Club (The Westwood Theater), I spent the better part of two hours photographing the newly remodeled interior and brand new Couples Sextion in the re-opened balcony of this classic theater.