An argument can still be made that I am STILL recovering from hosting last weekend's amazing Valentine's Party at the mighty Art Cinema in Hartford, CT. Between the extensive prep work we did prior to the event, the crazy party itself, -11F degree weather, and a harrowing trip back to the Midway Aerodrome in the wee hours of last Monday morning, my ass was kicked.
But as the week wore on, the Good Doctor got his groove back. Bad hair days turned into good ones, and old ladies stopped giving him the stink eye at the 7-11.
Yesterday (Saturday) I worked most of the day finishing the marketing materials for the next 2 15th Ave. Adult Theater parties (after the "Get Lucky" St. Patty's Party on March 12th in Chicago). With the artwork finished, I could turn to my own
Those of you who know me know I love curves. Dangerous ones. So why not celebrate some of the top curves from The Journal's extensive archive of report-attached pics direct from subjects themselves?
So kids, pop open that delicious can of the official soda of The Journal, Fresca (Hi Gemini!), and enjoy some really great curves...
Smut for a Sunday Evening: Dangerous Curves Edition
(Click the Thumbnails to ENLARGE)