Doc here, a man who some say has had 3 different tomato varieties named after him (Saucy Paesan, Meaty Puppet, & Bulbous Plum).
As we navigate through these tough times nationally, The Good Doctor thinks it is a good idea to take a break and enjoy a Couple's Flash Report from one of the newest contributors to The Journal in CoupleOH.
CoupleOH ventured out into the great outdoors, got some fresh air, and squeezed in a photo shoot that came out pretty great!
Please welcome back to The Journal the super sexy CoupleOH!
Hi Doc,
Happy March 94th (or June 2nd to you non-quarantined, where ever you may be)!!! Mrs CoupleOH was feeling a bit frisky, and we had an empty house, so we decided to hit the road and find a place for some public fun!!
Unfortunately, many of the metro parks had families there, and she’s not a big fan of getting exposure in the arrest reports 😲.
Mrs. CoupleOH |
So, we drove around a bit trying to find a place that only had a few cars. Lucked out, finding one on a side road that only had 2 other cars there!! We parked and moseyed our way in to the woods.
Mrs. CoupleOH |
Our first stop was along a little pond with a lot of croaking frogs. Some sounded like men talking, at times, making it even more fun and risqué!! She did several stops and poses back there, and he enjoyed taking every picture.
Mrs. CoupleOH |
Then, as we were leaving, he saw a little historical marker on a stone wall, literally 8’ off the road. With a little convincing, and maybe (ok, not maybe) some begging, he convinced her to do some pics. She was a bit coy at first, but she really surprised him by taking her top completely off, and showing off her absolutely amazing chest!! Two cars drove by, just as she was jumping back in the car, little did they know what fun they could have had.