Doc here with a huge thank you to all the readers of The Journal of Adult Theaters. In the 8 months that The Journal has had a heartbeat, we have had over 20,000 unique visits and over 60,000 page views. The traffic has exceeded my wildest expectations.
I set a goal when the site relaunched in March of this year to try and get to 20,000 visits by the end of 2010. Well, we hit it in July, and with any luck we will hit 30,000 visits and 90,000 page views by the end of 2010.
As the year rolls on, I will pledge to give you the best one-stop-shop for anything adult theater related. I have tried to doll-up the site itself, and I am tinkering with a few more ideas to make The Journal even more user friendly.

A special thank-you to my peers out there who have provided feedback and content to the blog. Those people are Brent in Portland, Major Voyeur in St. Louis, Alex and Lauren in North Carolina, and the 13 regular contributing field reporters that keep us in the loop on "this thing of our's".
So again, from The Good Doctor's office in The Valley next to the small women's college, Thank you!