It's Sunday. It's also May Day. The day in which many countries celebrate by dancing around a maypole. I have seen pics of this activity, and for the life of me don't understand the appeal. Of course, this is coming from a guy who for the last 25+ years has roamed just about every adult theater in the country, taking notes and reporting on them. I am sure the maypolers wouldn't understand my actions either. So we're even.
Bottom line is that May Day is a Spring holiday. A day to celebrate the wonders of nature. And for The Good Doctor, a day to publish some of the top adult theater-related images that have been submitted to him. Nothing poached from the interwebs. All home grown.
So ladies and gentlemen, enjoy a spring-flavored edition of Smut for a Sunday Evening.
Smut for a Sunday Evening: May Day Edition
(Click the Thumbnails to ENLARGE)