Saturday, January 20, 2018

Blind Item Revealed! Tonight! Hawaiian Eyeful Ventures to Fantasyland 1 in Tampa!

Doc here...

Full disclosure time on the Blind Item!

The Legendary Lady: Hawaiian Eyeful!
The location: Fantasyland 1 in Tampa!
When? TONIGHT 1/20/18!

Gentlemen: Be on your best behavior! If not, it's going to be a short visit. 

Have fun!


Updated 1/20 at 4PM CT with HINT #3 - The Name of the Legendary Lady!: Drum roll please...

The name of the legendary lady visiting a top tier adult theater TONIGHT is...

Remember HINT #2 - She'll be on the East coast. The full theater reveal comes tonight at 5pm ET/4pm CT. 

Christmas comes in January for one special adult theater...


Updated 1/19/18 at 11pm with HINT #2: This legendary lady will be visiting an adult theater in the East part of the country Saturday night. 

Bigger, jucier hints to come Saturday morning.


Updated 1/19/18 with HINT #1: This legendary lady is based on the West coast, but has played all across the country and abroad! 

More hints to come...
